Soul Feet | Here is where to go for a quality massage in a clean and calm setting after a long day


I have been looking for the perfect place to go for a massage after work or at lunch in Central. It is not an easy task because massage parlours here are neither

A. Very economical but don’t feel clean or relaxing. These places are generally small and dark with no receptionist but a few Mandarin speaking masseurs.


B. Looking bright, very proper and relaxing, with a receptionist and elegant interior decor but the price is almost equivalent to the price of a hotel spa.

So when I have found this place – Soul Feet I was so happy. Finally, a massage parlour that doesn’t cost an arm or leg but has a clean and relaxing setting.


The place is zen and relaxing which I like. I like that there are quite a few plants in the corridor, which make it feels like you are in a tropical country. 


Before your treatment start, there is a little waiting area and you can try the 4 kinds of oils to see which one you would like to use on your body when your treatment starts. They are Sandalwood, ginger, lemongrass and lymphatic. I was offered a cup of warm tea and I only waited about 2 mins before I was lead to the treatment room.

This is the treatment room that I had my massage in. The massage room is comfortable and quite spacious for Hong Kong standard. 


Their masseurs are also experienced. I went there twice in 3 weeks and both of the masseurs were good at their job and very friendly. 


They also offer couples rooms so that you can also have a little romantic activity with your loved one on the weekend. 

The price for oil massage and pressure point massage is the same in this massage parlour so last time I booked an oil massage session but when the masseur know that I have a lot of tight muscle and knots on my back she suggested me to go with pressure point massage to unknots the stressed-out muscles instead. I feel they are quite knowledgeable and caring. 

I would go back to them whenever I am around Central for work. 

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